Need help with your application? Call us: 866-463-7533 (RLDF)

Apply for Funding

The Repro Legal Defense Fund provides bail and ongoing legal expenses for people criminalized for abortion (self-managed abortion, in-clinic abortion, or at-home abortion) pregnancy loss such as stillbirths or miscarriages, allegation of drug use during pregnancy, and people who are criminalized for supporting others.

Apply for help with fees and expenses for your case. You can find more information on who qualifies for our funding, and what expenses we cover.

We encourage you to apply even if you’re unclear about whether you qualify.


Apply for Funding

We recognize that fighting back against the state is costly. The Repro Legal Defense Fund wants to ensure that a robust defense is made available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. 

If you or your client are being criminalized for an abortion (at home or in a clinic), miscarriage, pregnancy loss, or allegations of drug use during pregnancy and want to apply for funding support, please complete this form.

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This form will send you a confirmation email.

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We ask this because it may help us most quickly find the best support for you. We take your privacy seriously, and if you select “YES,” we will only share this information after notifying you via your preferred contact method that we are referring you, and informing you with which fund we are sharing. If you answer “NO” or do not answer this question, we will not share your information.

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What to Expect

  • You should receive an immediate email confirming your submission.

  • Depending on what you stated as your preferred method of communication (email or phone), we will contact you within 2-3 business days, to discuss your needs, answer any questions, and collect any additional information we may require.

    • If you marked your application urgent because, for instance, bail has been set in an amount you cannot afford, we will do our best to prioritize your application.

    • If you are an attorney and have questions about rates and fee structure, we will address these in our follow-up call.

  • If we are unable to take your case, we will try our best to provide you with helpful and personalized resources.


Are you are facing a legal emergency? Do you have questions about the laws in your state? Contact the safe, free, and confidential Repro Legal Helpline: 844-868-2812

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